Our Projects

The following table provides a list of projects that the SPOR Evidence Alliance has administered in collaboration with a health-related organization or patient/public partner co-leads.

To learn more about each project, please click on the project title to be directed to the project page.

Project TitleKnowledge User(s)Project Lead(s)Project Approach(es)Project Status
Impacts of AI ScribeCanada Health InfowayMaxime SassevilleRapid ReviewComplete
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in HealthcareNewfoundland and Labrador Health ServicesRick AudasEvidence ScanComplete
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Frameworks for Healthcare SettingsNewfoundland and Labrador Health ServicesRick AudasJurisdictional ScanComplete
Virtual Urgent CareNewfoundland and Labrador Health ServicesRick AudasEnvironmental ScanComplete
Airway ManagementNewfoundland and Labrador Health ServicesRick AudasEvidence ScanComplete
Efficacy and Safety of Treatment of Uncomplicated Gonococcal InfectionCanada's Drug Agency (CDA)Andrea TriccoRapid ReviewComplete
Effects of Climate ChangePatient and Public PartnerSara Guilcher, Jenna RinesScoping ReviewIn progress
Detection of Human TraffickingPatient and Public PartnerIvan Florez, Daniel Felipe Patiño LugoIn progress
Street Outreach Programs for Individuals Experiencing HomelessnessPatient and Public PartnerFiona ClementSystematic ReviewIn progress
Costs and Benefits of Home Care versus Assisted Living FacilitiesPatient and Public PartnerCraig Mitton, Jenny ArntzenScoping ReviewIn progress
Dance InterventionsPatient and Public PartnerHeather Colquhoun, Penelope ChanNetwork Meta-Analysis, Systematic ReviewIn progress
Cancer Patient Portals and Health OutcomesPatient and Public PartnerAnnie LeBlanc, Simon Décary, Maxime Sasseville, Steven OuelletScoping ReviewIn progress
Peer Support for Families of People with Severe Neuro-Cognitive DisordersPatient and Public PartnerAnnie LeBlanc, Simon Décary, Maxime Sasseville, Annette RobynsSystematic ReviewIn progress
Dental Service UtilizationPatient and Public PartnerSimon Bacon, Maryline CôtéScoping ReviewIn progress
Effects of Hydration/Dehydration on Health OutcomesPatient and Public PartnerLiris Smith, Laurel RadleyScoping ReviewIn progress
Hospice and Palliative CarePatient and Public PartnerDiane SawchuckScoping ReviewIn progress
Tools for Patients to Describe their PainPatient and Public PartnerLinda Li, Kristie NicolScoping ReviewIn progress
Digital Education for Patients Recovering from Cardiac SurgeryPatient and Public PartnerJanet Curran, Christine Cassidy, Robert WellsSystematic ReviewIn progress
Outcomes and Needs of Pediatric Cancer Amputees and their Family CaregiversPatient and Public PartnerLindsay Jibb, Leah Deans Scoping ReviewIn progress
Peer Support Networks for People with Chronic PainPatient and Public PartnerJennifer Donnan, Virginia McIntyre Scoping Review, Systematic ReviewIn progress
Patient Perspectives on Family Care TeamsPatient and Public PartnerCris CarterRapid ReviewIn progress
Patient Engagement in Health Education CurriculumPatient and Public PartnerKimberley Sears, Candace Skrapek, Diana ErmelScoping ReviewIn progress
Models of Publicly Funded Home CarePatient and Public PartnerMarilyn MacDonald, Rochelle LitvackScoping ReviewIn progress
Biologics and BiosimilarsPatient and Public PartnerShannon Kelly, Linda Wilhelm, Laurie ProulxSystematic ReviewIn progress
Integrated Team-Based Primary CarePatient and Public PartnerDavina Banker-Lukaris, Brenda Andreas, Margaret KingScoping ReviewIn progress
Digital Health LiteracyPatient and Public PartnerAndrea Tricco, Delana TheiventhiranRapid Scoping ReviewIn progress
Collaborative Primary Care: A Scoping ReviewOntario HealthAndrea TriccoRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Shared Decision-Making Tools to Support Indigenous Peoples in Health DecisionsNot Deciding AloneJanet JullSystematic ReviewComplete
Recommendations for Gender-Diverse People in Clinical Practice GuidelinesHealth Researchers, Patient/Public Partners, Guideline DevelopersRichard Henry, Brett ThombsEnvironmental ScanComplete
Community Partnerships for Chronic Pain ManagementHealth Researchers and Patient/Public Partners Nicole George, Sara AhmedMixed MethodsIn progress
Métis Citizens and Child Health ResourcesHealth Researchers and Patient/Public Partners Lisa Knisley Jones, Shannon ScottMixed MethodsComplete
Women's Satisfaction with HIV CareHealth Researchers and Patient/Public Partners Lashanda Skerritt, Alexandra de PokomandyMixed MethodsComplete
Patient Engagement in Artificial Intelligence Health ResearchHealth Researchers, Patient/Public Partners, Guideline DevelopersJillian Macklin, Andrew PintoMixed MethodsComplete
Physical Activity Programming for Children with CancerHealth Researchers and Patient/Public Partners Amanda Wurz, Nicole Culos-ReedMixed MethodsIn progress
The Practice and Science of James Lind Alliance Priority Setting PartnershipsHealth Researchers and Patient/Public Partners Alexandra Korall, Kathryn SibleyScoping ReviewIn progress
Trauma-Informed Intersectional Analysis of Diabetes Risk during COVID-19Health Researchers and Patient/Public PartnersGhazal Fazli, Gillian BoothMixed MethodsIn progress
Health Services in Correctional Settings and Models of Prison HealthcareHealth Standards Organization CanadaMarilyn MacDonaldEnvironmental ScanComplete
Self-Reported Measurement SystemsCommissaire à la Santé et au Bien-être du Québec (CSBQ)Maxime SassevilleKnowledge Translation, Scoping ReviewComplete
Knowledge Translation Needs During a PandemicNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemRick Audas, Pablo NavarroKnowledge TranslationComplete
COVID-19 and First Responders: Code Blue AlertsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Rick Audas, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and First Responders: AuscultationNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Non-Medical First RespondersNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
Smartphone Apps for COVID-19 Contact TracingNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 Transmission and ChildrenNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
Impact of Second Wave of COVID-19 in Long-Term Care FacilitiesNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Risk to Healthcare Workers from Aerosol Generating ProceduresNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemRick Audas, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Re-Opening SchoolsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Reopening Personal Service EstablishmentsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Reopening Food Processing PlantsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19, Reinfection and Sustained Viral DetectionNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Post-Infection ImmunityNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Public Health ComplianceNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
Health Effects of COVID-19 on Infection SurvivorsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
Caring for COVID-19 Patients in Care SettingsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Psychological Impact of Self-IsolationNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Mental Health of Mental Health & Addictions CliniciansNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19, Mental Wellness and Minimizing HarmsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Pre-Existing Substance Use and Addictions IssuesNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Pre-Existing Mental Health ConditionsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Resumption of Health Care ServicesNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Health Worker Temperature ScreeningNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 Transmission OutdoorsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and Sexual TransmissionNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and IncarcerationNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 and HomelessnessNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 Patients in Long-Term CareNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
Personal Care Workers Providing Home Care for COVID-19Newfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
Asymptomatic/Pre-Symptomatic COVID-19 TransmissionNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
Aerosol Generating Medical ProceduresNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen Bornstein, Pablo NavarroRapid ReviewComplete
Schizophrenia CareBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementComplete
Patient Decision Aids in ObstetricsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemRick AudasSystematic ReviewComplete
Management and Treatment of Symptomatic Varicose VeinsBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementRapid ReviewComplete
Interventions to Address Racism Toward Indigenous PeoplesAlberta Health ServicesFiona ClementRapid ReviewComplete
Treatment Resistant DepressionBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementRapid ReviewComplete
Surgical Mesh TreatmentBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementEnvironmental Scan, Review of Guidelines, Systematic ReviewComplete
Single Compared to Multiple Occupancy Rooms and OutcomesBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementLiterature ReviewComplete
Robotic-Assisted Radical ProstatectomyBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementRapid ReviewComplete
Primary Care Staffing MixAlberta Health ServicesFiona ClementRapid ReviewComplete
PET-CT for Myocardial Viability and MyocarditisBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementRapid ReviewComplete
Peritoneal Dialysis for Treatment of End-Stage Kidney DiseaseAlberta Health ServicesFiona ClementJurisdictional Scan, Systematic ReviewComplete
Microbiota and Mental HealthUniversity of CalgaryFiona ClementMeta-Analysis, Systematic ReviewComplete
Impact of Cannabis UseAlberta Health ServicesFiona ClementRapid ReviewComplete
Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Delivering TechnologiesAlberta Health, British Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementEnvironmental Scan, Review of Guidelines, Systematic ReviewComplete
Facilitators and Barriers to Successful Diabetes Retinopathy Screening ProgramsDiabetes Action CanadaFiona ClementSystematic ReviewComplete
Extracorporeal Membrane OxygenationBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementRapid ReviewComplete
Community Pharmacist-Led Anticoagulation Management ServiceBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementSystematic ReviewComplete
Diabetic Foot UlcersBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementBudget Impact Analysis, Cost-Utility Analysis, Interviews, Jurisdictional Scan, Rapid Review, Review of Guidelines, Systematic Review, Implementation AnalysisComplete
Rural Obstetric ServicesNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinRapid ReviewComplete
Preschool ScreeningNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinRapid ReviewComplete
Chronic Disease and Palliative CareNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinRapid ReviewComplete
Care for Patients with Cognitive ImpairmentNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinRapid ReviewComplete
Virtual Family Support ProgramsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinJurisdictional ScanComplete
Service Supports for Vulnerable FamiliesNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinJurisdictional ScanComplete
Rural Psychiatry Practices and ModelsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinJurisdictional ScanComplete
Remote Patient Monitoring SnapshotNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinJurisdictional ScanComplete
Mental Health Supported EmploymentNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinRapid ReviewComplete
Home-Based Palliative End-of-Life CareNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinJurisdictional ScanComplete
Home Dialysis SnapshotNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinJurisdictional ScanComplete
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Difficult WoundsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinSystematic Review UpdateComplete
Agitation and Aggression in Long-Term Care Residents with DementiaNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinSystematic Review UpdateComplete
Deprescribing MedicationsNewfoundland and Labrador Health SystemStephen BornsteinRapid ReviewComplete
Chronic Pain MitigationBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthFiona ClementSystematic ReviewComplete
Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of NaloxoneAlberta Health ServicesFiona ClementSystematic ReviewComplete
Cannabis and Mental HealthMental Health Commission of CanadaFiona ClementEnvironmental Scan, Scoping ReviewComplete
Cannabis Health EffectsAlberta Health ServicesFiona ClementRapid ReviewComplete
Strategies and Frameworks Indicators to Monitor COVID-19 Pandemic Health and Public Health ImpactPublic Health Agency of CanadaIvan FlorezRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Treatment of Uncomplicated Gonococcal InfectionCanada's Drug and Health Technology Agency (CADTH)Andrea TriccoEvidence ReviewComplete
Effectiveness of Different Isolation Periods for COVID-19Public Health Agency of CanadaSimon BaconLiving Evidence SynthesisComplete
Effectiveness of Cleaning and Disinfection during COVID-19Public Health Agency of CanadaIvan FlorezLiving Evidence SynthesisComplete
Ventilation for Reducing Transmission of COVID-19Public Health Agency of CanadaLisa HartlingLiving Evidence SynthesisComplete
Autism Policies, Programs, and Services within CanadaAutism Alliance of CanadaDeepa SingalScoping ReviewIn progress
Patient Oriented Research in AutismAutism Alliance of CanadaDeepa SingalScoping ReviewIn progress
Autism Policy Within the Framework of the United NationsAutism Alliance of CanadaDeepa SingalScoping ReviewIn progress
Masking and Ventilation during COVID-19Public Health Agency of CanadaMarilyn MacDonaldLiving Evidence SynthesisComplete
Knowledge Translation Interventions for Trial UptakeWorld Health OrganizationGeorge Wells, Shannon KellyRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Tubal Ligation Policy and Ethical ConsiderationsGovernment of Northwest TerritoriesIvan FlorezScoping ReviewIn progress
Interventions to Reduce Child PovertyGovernment of Northwest TerritoriesVivian WelchOverview of ReviewsComplete
E-Prescribing and Opioid UseCanada Health InfowaySara GuilcherRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Masks and COVID-19Royal Society of Canada, Public Health Agency of CanadaJanet Curran, Leah BoulosLiving Scoping Review, Rapid ReviewComplete
E-Prescribing and Medication SafetyCanada Health InfowayJanet Curran, Leah Boulos, Christine CassidyRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Impact of Community Based Primary Health Care Innovation TeamsPrimary and Integrated Health Care Innovations NetworkChristine (Tina) Fahim, Sharon StrausKnowledge TranslationComplete
Osteoporosis Screening GuidelinesOsteoporosis CanadaChristine (Tina) Fahim, Sharon StrausKnowledge TranslationComplete
Impact of COVID-19 on Antimicrobial ResistancePublic Health Agency of CanadaJulian Little, Susan Rogers Van KatwykLiving Evidence SynthesisComplete
Socioeconomic Impact of Long COVIDPublic Health Agency of CanadaCraig MittonRapid ReviewComplete
Sustainability of Long-Term CareWorld Health OrganizationMarilyn MacDonaldRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Risk MappingNova Scotia College of PharmacistsKimberley SearsRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
COVID-19 Vaccinations for ChildrenPublic Health Agency of CanadaIvan FlorezLiving Evidence SynthesisIn progress
Web-Based Interventions for Group Empowerment and Health PromotionGovernment of Prince Edward Island (PEI)Shamara BaidoobonsoRapid ReviewComplete
Rapid Diagnostic Testing and School ClosuresHealth CanadaCraig MittonRapid Systematic ReviewComplete
Transmission of Respiratory Infections During Medical ProceduresAlberta Health ServicesFiona ClementSystematic ReviewComplete
Occurrence of Myocarditis after the Vaccine for COVID-19Public Health Agency of Canada, National Advisory Committee on ImmunizationLisa HartlingRapid ReviewComplete
Vaccine Protection Over TimePublic Health Agency of CanadaSimon BaconRapid ReviewComplete
Patient Decision-Making for Organ Donation and TransplantationOrgan Donation and Transplantation CollaborativeSharon StrausTwo-Phased Qualitative Descriptive Approach (Semi-structured Interviews and Document Review)Complete
Artificial Intelligence and the COVID-19 PandemicPublic Health Agency of CanadaIvan FlorezRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 Testing and TransmissionIreland Department of HealthDavid Moher, Julian LittleLiving Rapid ReviewComplete
Prevention of Workplace Violence towards Health Care ProfessionalsSt. Michael's HospitalClayon HamiltonRapid ReviewComplete
Healthcare Provider BurnoutAlberta Health ServicesChristina GodfreyRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Effects of Vaccination in the ImmunocompromisedPublic Health Agency of CanadaPaul MoayyediRapid Systematic ReviewComplete
Effectiveness, Immunogenicity, and Safety of COVID-19 VaccinesNational Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI)Maureen DobbinsRapid ReviewComplete
Rapid Diagnostic Testing for COVID-19Health CanadaCraig MittonRapid Systematic ReviewComplete
COVID-19 SurveillanceHealth CanadaFiona ClementRapid Literature ReviewComplete
Care Models for Long Covid-19Alberta Health ServicesAnnie LeBlanc, Simon DécaryLiving Systematic ReviewComplete
Health Systems Impacts of COVID-19 VariantsAlberta Health Services, Public Health Agency of CanadaJanet CurranLiving Evidence Synthesis, Rapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Harm Reduction Strategies for Patient Alcohol and Drug-UseUnity Health TorontoJanet CurranScoping ReviewComplete
Transmissions Characteristics of COVID-19 VariantsAlberta Health Services, Public Health Agency of CanadaJanet CurranRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Impact of Firearm Legislation on Firearm MortalityCanadian Doctors for Protection from GunsDavid MoherScoping ReviewComplete
Transmissibility of COVID-19 Among Vaccinated IndividualsAlberta Health Services, Public Health Agency of CanadaFiona ClementRapid ReviewComplete
Rapid Antigen-Based and Rapid Molecular Tests for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2Public Health Agency of Canada, Health CanadaAreti Angeliki VeronikiNetwork Meta-Analysis, Rapid ReviewComplete
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Healthcare Workers Caring for PatientsWorld Health OrganizationShannon KellyRapid ReviewComplete
Ventilation Strategies for COVID-19 PatientsWorld Health OrganizationShannon KellyRapid ReviewComplete
Rapid Point-of-Care Testing in Non-Traditional SettingsHealth CanadaMeaghan SimRapid ReviewComplete
COVID-19 Testing Barriers and HesitancyHealth CanadaMeaghan SimRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Preventing the Transmission of COVID-19 in Older Adults Living in Long-Term CareWorld Health OrganizationFiona ClementRapid Review UpdateComplete
Canadian Community Pharmacy PracticeQueen's University, Dalhousie UniversityKimberley SearsScoping ReviewComplete
Models of Provider Care in Long-term CareRoyal Society of CanadaBrian HuttonRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Community Based Primary Health Care InnovationPrimary and Integrated Health Care Innovations NetworkChristine (Tina) FahimComplete
Care Communication During DisastersBC Children's Hospital, Canuck Place Children's HospiceCraig MittonRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Women's, Children's and Adolescent's Health During EpidemicsWorld Health OrganizationFiona ClementSystematic ReviewComplete
Rapid and Point-of-Care Diagnostic Tests for COVID-19Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term CareGeorge Wells, Shannon KellyRapid ReviewComplete
Choirs and COVID-19Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term CareStephen BornsteinQuick ScanComplete
Transmission of Respiratory Infections During Aerosol Generating Medical ProceduresAlberta Health ServicesFiona ClementSystematic Review UpdateComplete
Prognostic Tools for Physical RehabilitationOrdre Professionnel de la PhysiothérapieSimon DécarySystematic ReviewComplete
Early Cancer Diagnosis InitiativesCanadian Partnerships Against CancerSharon Straus, Christina FahimEnvironmental Scan, Scoping ReviewComplete
Knowledge Translation Strategies Focused on Mother and Child Health and WellbeingWorld Health OrganizationJanet CurranRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Diagnosis of Scrotal HydroceleChildren's Hospital, WinnipegAhmed Abou-SettaGRADE Analysis, Systematic ReviewComplete
Guideline for Prevention of Rh AlloimmunisationSociety of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of CanadaBrian HuttonGRADE Analysis, Systematic ReviewComplete
Maternal and Newborn Morbidity and MortalityWorld Health OrganizationJanet CurranMeta-Analysis, Systematic ReviewComplete
Quality of Selected Canadian Task Force Practice GuidelinesCanadian Task Force on Preventive Health CareIvan FlorezQuality Assessment of GuidelinesComplete
Adapting and Implementing Health Systems Guidelines and RecommendationsWorld Health OrganizationJanet CurranScoping ReviewComplete
Recruitment and Retention of Rural and Remote PhysiciansAlberta Health ServicesFiona ClementConsensus Building Exercise, Focused Systematic Review, Overview of Reviews, Scoping ReviewComplete
Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit Research Round TablesOntario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU)Sharon StrausKnowledge TranslationComplete
Training-Related Injuries Among Female Military PersonnelDepartment of National Defence, Government of CanadaBrian HuttonScoping ReviewComplete
Knowledge Transfer and Exchange FrameworksHeart & Stroke FoundationSharon Straus, Christina FahimKnowledge TranslationComplete
Online Learning for Children and Youth with Brain-Based DisabilitiesChild-Bright NetworkAnnie LeBlancRapid Overview of ReviewsComplete
Mental Health and Addiction Interventions During a Pandemic or DisasterNational Centre of Excellence in Mental Health Annie LeBlancSystematic ReviewIn progress
Prevalence of Antidepressant UseRéseau-QualaxiaAnnie LeBlancSystematic ReviewComplete
Digital Health Interventions for Mental Health in People with Chronic DiseasesCliniques Médicales ProActive SantéAnnie LeBlancDelphi, Rapid Overview of ReviewsComplete
COVID-19 in Children with Brain-Based DisabilitiesChild-Bright NetworkAnnie LeBlancRapid ReviewComplete
Engagement of Family Physicians in ResearchRéseau-1 QuébecAnnie LeBlancSystematic ReviewComplete
End-of-life Care for People with Neurodegenerative DiseasesInstitut national d’excellence en santé et services sociaux (INESSS)Annie LeBlancSystematic ReviewComplete
Effectiveness of Border Travel RestrictionsPublic Health Agency of CanadaAhmed Abou-SettaRapid ReviewComplete
Border Closure and Travel Restrictions During COVID-19World Health OrganizationAhmed Abou-SettaSystematic Review UpdateComplete
COVID-19 and PregnancyPublic Health Agency of CanadaAhmed Abou-SettaRapid ReviewComplete
Contact Tracing in Preventing the Transmission of COVID-19World Health OrganizationAhmed Abou-SettaSystematic ReviewComplete
Early Cancer Diagnosis for Symptomatic PatientsCanadian Partnerships Against CancerAhmed Abou-SettaRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Testing for Asymptomatic COVID-19Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term CareAhmed Abou-SettaJurisdictional Scan, Rapid Systematic ReviewComplete
Patient and Family Caregiver Engagement in Healthcare Decision-MakingBritish Columbia Ministry of HealthClayon Hamilton, Linda LiScoping ReviewComplete
Permission to Contact for Research in Healthcare SettingsCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS) de la Capitale-NationaleAnnie LeBlancScoping ReviewComplete
Public Reporting of Quality Improvement and Reflective PracticesInstitut national d’excellence en santé et services sociaux (INESSS)Annie LeBlancSystematic ReviewComplete
Aircraft Environmental Control for Preventing COVID-19 TransmissionWorld Health OrganizationAhmed Abou-SettaSystematic ReviewComplete
At-Home COVID-19 TestingHealth CanadaAndrea Tricco, Janet Curran, Meaghan SimRapid Scoping ReviewComplete
Infection Prevention and Control Measures for Ebola and Marburg Virus DiseaseWorld Health OrganizationAndrea Tricco, David Moher, Julian LittleRapid ReviewComplete
History of Parastomal HerniasUnity Health TorontoAndrea TriccoMeta-Analysis, Systematic ReviewIn progress
Preventing the Transmission of COVID-19 in Older Adults Living in Long-Term CareCanadian Frailty NetworkAndrea TriccoRapid ReviewComplete
Guidelines for Preventing Respiratory Illness in Older Adults in Long-Term CareWorld Health OrganizationAndrea TriccoRapid Review, Review of GuidelinesComplete
Preventing Respiratory Illness in Older Adults in Long-Term CareWorld Health OrganizationAndrea TriccoRapid Overview of ReviewsComplete
Preventing COVID-19 Transmission Between Air TravelersWorld Health Organization Ahmed Abou-SettaSystematic ReviewComplete
Anti-Racism in Patient/Public PartnershipOntario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU)Scoping ReviewComplete
Alternatives to Institutional Care for Older PeoplePatient and Public PartnerElaine Moody, Elliot PausJenssenSystematic ReviewIn progress
Trauma-Informed Care Practices to Support CaregiversPatient and Public PartnerLindsay Jibb, BC PomeroySystematic ReviewIn progress
Patient and Public Partners in Writing of Lay SummariesPatient and Public PartnerHeather Colquhoun, JoAnne MoselScoping ReviewComplete
Family Violence in the Northwest TerritoriesGovernment of the Northwest TerritoriesPertice MoffittScoping Review, Sharing CirclesComplete
Supporting Physical Activities for Children with DisabilitiesAlterGoAnnie LeBlancRapid ReviewComplete
Detection and Management of Diabetes ComplicationsDiabetes Action CanadaFiona ClementSystematic ReviewComplete
Self-Management of Chronic (Non-Cancer) PainQuébec Pain Research NetworkAnnie LeBlancMeta-Analysis, Systematic ReviewComplete
Family Medicine Scope of PracticeQuébec Ministry of Health and Social ServicesHerve Zoumahoun, France LégaréSystematic ReviewComplete
Chronic Pain Management for WomenSociety of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of CanadaAhmed Abou-SettaSystematic ReviewComplete
Falls and Social Isolation During COVID-19Public Health Agency of CanadaAndrea TriccoScoping ReviewComplete
Social Isolation and Falls in Older AdultsPublic Health Agency of CanadaAndrea TriccoSystematic ReviewComplete
Machine Learning in HealthcareUnity Health TorontoAndrea TriccoScoping ReviewComplete
Knowledge Acquisition, Assimilation and Use at the Organizational LevelHealth CanadaAndrea Tricco, Christina GodfreyScoping ReviewComplete
Occupational Stress Injury in First RespondersOntario Ministry of the Solicitor GeneralAndrea TriccoOverview of ReviewsComplete
Recreational Cannabis Use and DiabetesDiabetes CanadaAndrea Tricco, Caroline PorrRapid ReviewComplete
Gaming and Internet Gaming DisorderWorld Health OrganizationAndrea TriccoRapid Scoping ReviewComplete