Masking and Ventilation during COVID-19
Negative Outcomes of Masking in Response to COVID-19 in Non-Healthcare Community-Based Settings: A Scoping Review
Project Status:Complete
Knowledge User(s)
Public Health Agency of Canada
Patient/Public Partner(s)
Caron Leid, Tayaba Khan
Project Trainee(s)
Katie Gaetz, Michael Ibekaku, Melissa Ignaczak, Jade McLaughlin, Martine Nyhof, Meghan Warmerdam
Funding Source(s)
- Public Health Agency of Canada
Project Objectives
To determine the best-available evidence about the negative health and social outcomes of masking in response to COVID-19 in non-health care community-based settings.
Research Approach
Rapid Scoping Review
Project Lead(s)
Marilyn MacDonald
Dr. Marilyn Macdonald is a Professor and Associate Director of Graduate Studies in the School of Nursing, and Director of the Joanna Briggs Centre of Excellence in the conduct of systematic reviews, Dalhousie University. She has a varied background in clinical nursing including; general surgery, cardio-vascular surgery, public-health nursing, home care, and a decade as a clinical nurse specialist. The primary focus of her research is homecare with a focus on caregivers. Dr. Macdonald is an Affiliate Scientist with the Nova Scotia Health Authority, and theme lead for Transitions in Care with the Canadian Frailty Network. Research interests are in home care, patient/caregiver safety and qualitative inquiry.
Project Outputs