Shared Decision-Making Tools to Support Indigenous Peoples in Health Decisions
Shared Decision-Making Tools and Approaches to Support Participation of Indigenous Peoples in Health Decisions
Project Status:Complete
Knowledge User(s)
Not Deciding Alone
Funding Source(s)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) through the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Evidence Alliance
Project Objectives
The objectives of this systematic review is to synthesize evidence and identify factors that impact the use of shared decision-making interventions to support Indigenous Peoples in making health decisions.
Research Approach
Systematic Review
Project Lead(s)
Janet Jull
Dr. Janet Jull develops and evaluates shared decision making tools and approaches to support client-centred care with a particular focus on health care systems. Much of Janet’s work is done in partnerships with urban Indigenous, Inuit, First Nations, and Métis communities.
Janet also investigates how research is conducted in partnerships; specifically when those who are engaged in the production of research, partner with those who contend with the real-world needs and constraints of health systems and their users.
Areas of teaching expertise include design and conduct of research and knowledge translation, specifically integrated knowledge translation, an approach to research that is governed by and with those the research is meant to be of benefit.