Infection Prevention and Control Measures for Ebola and Marburg Virus Disease

Infection Prevention and Control Measures for Ebola and Marburg Virus Disease: A Series of Rapid Reviews

Project Status:Complete

Knowledge User(s)

World Health Organization

Funding Source(s)

  • World Health Organization

Project Objectives

To determine the risk of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) acquisition with different types of exposures, and if acquired, what the risk is of transmitting the virus.

Research Approach

Rapid Review

Project Lead(s)

David Moher

Position: Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

David Moher is a Senior Scientist in the Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, where he directs the Centre for Journalology (publication science ). He is also an Associate Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa. He holds an MSc in epidemiology and PhD in clinical epidemiology and biostatistics.

Dr. Moher has been involved in developing the science of how to optimally conduct and report systematic reviews for most of his professional career. Another part of his research has focused on how best to develop reporting guidelines. He spearheaded the development of the CONSORT statement and the PRISMA statement. He also leads an active program investigating predatory journals and publishers. More recently he led a program to develop core competencies for scientific journal editors. He is actively developing a program to investigate alternatives to current incentives and rewards in academic medicine.

David Moher

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

David Moher is a Senior Scientist in the Clinical Epidemiology...

Julian Little

Position: School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa

Julian Little

School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa

Headshot of Dr. Andrea Tricco, Nominated Principal Investigator

Andrea Tricco

Position: St. Michael's Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, Joanna Briggs Institute

PhD, MSc



Dr. Andrea C. Tricco is a Scientist and Director of the Knowledge Synthesis Team in the Knowledge Translation Program, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health & Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation. She is Co-Director & Adjunct Associate Professor for the Queen’s Collaboration for Health Care Quality JBI (formerly Joanna Briggs Institute) Centre of Excellence at Queen’s University and Nominated Principal Investigator of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Evidence Alliance.

Dr. Tricco holds a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Knowledge Synthesis and has over 325 peer-reviewed publications. She has conducted knowledge synthesis at the international (e.g. World Health Organization), national (e.g. Health Canada), provincial (e.g. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care), and local (e.g. Toronto Central Local Health Integrated Network) levels. She is the Co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

Andrea Tricco

St. Michael's Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, Joanna Briggs Institute

PhD, MSc @ATricco   Dr. Andrea C. Tricco is a...

Impact Statement

“Working with Julian and his team has been an excellent experience. This was a particularly challenging project due to the lack of quality evidence for many of the PICO questions. However, Julian and his team conducted extensive searches. They participated regularly in meetings with the WHO team and methodologist to address any issues with the search or the evidence found. They provided excellent summaries of their findings in addition to developing the presentations of the Guideline development group meetings. This has been invaluable for the drafting of the guideline. We are also very grateful to Julian for his flexibility and willingness to adjust and adapt to additional requests with this very complex topic.

Julian, and his colleague Nicole Shaver, presented the evidence findings for the PICOs to the GDG members and clearly demonstrated their extensive understanding of the literature that was reviewed responding to questions from the GDG members. They were very professional, clear and concise. It has been an absolute pleasure working with Julian and his team.

The findings from this systematic review were used to inform the World Health Organization’s Infection Prevention and Control Guideline for Ebola and Marburg.”

– Vicky Willet, WHO Health Emergencies Programme