Linda Wilhelm

Linda Wilhelm is the President of The Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance, a national, volunteer, patient driven organization that has worked to improve the lives of people living with arthritis since 2002. She is co-chair of the Steering Committee for the Chronic Pain Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR) Network, as well as a member of the networks patient advisory committee. She is also a member of The Evidence Alliance (SPOR) Network. Linda has participated in past Health Canada expert advisory panels and numerous conferences concerning access and drug safety issues. She is a former member of both the Expert Advisory Committee for Vigilance of Health Products and the Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network’s steering committee. Ms. Wilhelm has been an active advocate for treatment access and quality of care for all patients both regionally and nationally for over twenty years and is a past board chair for the New Brunswick Division of the Arthritis Society. Ms. Wilhelm has been living with Rheumatoid Arthritis for over thirty five years. Ms. Wilhelm is a recipient of the Queen’s Jubilee Golden and Diamond Medal and the 2015 Arthritis Alliance of Canada Qualman/Davies Patient and Consumer Leadership Award.

Tanya Horsley

Dr. Tanya Horsley is the Associate Director, Research, at the Royal College. She is also the Principal Scientist with over 100 peer-reviewed abstracts and publications. She is a proud faculty member within the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa, where she teaches approaches to evidence syntheses including systematic and scoping review methods. Tanya leads a program of research looking at the formalization of integrated knowledge translation for the co-creation, use and influence of research and complex systems of care with an interest on patient & caregiver engagement. She is frequently sought after for her expertise in evidence synthesis approaches and work in reporting guideline development.

Jennifer Donnan

Dr. Jennifer Donnan is an Assistant Professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland, in the School of Pharmacy. She is also a pharmacist and teaches in the areas of Pharmacy Practice and Evidence Based Medicine. Her research interests are in health policy, drug safety and effectiveness, and integrating patient preferences into health care decisions. She also loves to foster a passion for evidence based medicine with the undergraduate pharmacy students.

JoAnne Mosel

Subsequent to a 3 year term at a national accounting firm, JoAnne worked as an analyst in the public/private sector. The diagnosis of her child’s rare disorder led to a career pivot; doing so allowed for the time to engage with similarly diagnosed families and to watch (painfully slow) scientific discovery unfold over the years.
Her interest in research brought her to joining a Research Network in 2017. This was timely; opportunities for patient engagement were becoming more apparent.
To further her capacity, she pursued training through St. Michael’s Hospital KT Program PIR Course, McMaster University-KBHN FER Course, and other Patient and Public Research Partnership offerings.
Recent and on-going activities are diverse. These include providing the patient perspective at various stages of the research process; Beta tester for PORCCH; reviewing lay summaries; initiating a newsletter for members of PAN (Patient Advisors Network); serving on a Grant Review panel, on a Network KT Committee , on a project PFAC / RCT liaison; serving as a patient –partner on a Global database encompassing 2 rare diseases as well as on TACC (Transforming Autism Care Consortium); serving as member of MNI/H (Montreal Neurological Institute/Hospital) Patients Committee.
To keep inspired, she enjoys the manageable bites that “Behavioural Neuroscience Daily” brings. When interest is piqued but expertise lacking, she doesn’t hesitate to reach out to her designated champions of POR at academic and research institutions with questions or queries.
Paramount to JoAnne is patient partnership in helping set Canadian research priorities. To this end, she believes in academic persistence; that knowledge is a driver of empowerment and resilience.

Christina Godfrey

Christina Godfrey is an Associate Professor at Queen’s University School of Nursing and the Scientific Director/Methodologist for the Queen’s Collaboration for Health Care Quality: A JBI Centre of Excellence. As a specialist in research synthesis methodologies, she has received formal synthesis training through the Cochrane Collaboration and the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), and is a certified as a trainer in the JBI method of synthesis.

Dr. Godfrey provides methodological support to faculty, clinicians and graduate students internal to Queen’s University and to emerging synthesis groups and centres throughout Canada. She is a member of five international methodology committees focused on advancing the methodology of synthesis.

Sharon Straus

Sharon E. Straus is a geriatrician and clinical epidemiologist who trained at the University of Toronto and the University of Oxford. She is the Director of the Knowledge Translation Program and Deputy Physician-in-Chief, St. Michael’s Hospital; Director, Division of Geriatric Medicine, University of Toronto; Vice Chair, and Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto.

Dr. Straus currently holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Knowledge Translation and Quality of Care and has authored more than 400 peer-reviewed publications and 3 textbooks in evidence-based medicine, knowledge translation and mentorship. She is in the top 1% of highly cited clinical researchers as per Web of Science. She holds more than $57 million in peer reviewed research grants as a principal investigator. She has received national awards for mentorship, research and education.

Andrea Tricco

Headshot of Dr. Andrea Tricco, Nominated Principal Investigator

PhD, MSc



Dr. Andrea C. Tricco is a Scientist and Director of the Knowledge Synthesis Team in the Knowledge Translation Program, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health & Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation. She is Co-Director & Adjunct Associate Professor for the Queen’s Collaboration for Health Care Quality JBI (formerly Joanna Briggs Institute) Centre of Excellence at Queen’s University and Nominated Principal Investigator of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Evidence Alliance.

Dr. Tricco holds a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Knowledge Synthesis and has over 325 peer-reviewed publications. She has conducted knowledge synthesis at the international (e.g. World Health Organization), national (e.g. Health Canada), provincial (e.g. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care), and local (e.g. Toronto Central Local Health Integrated Network) levels. She is the Co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

Catherine Yu

Catherine Yu is a Staff Endocrinologist at St. Michaels Hospital, Associate Professor of Faculty of Medicine and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and Associate Scientist in the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital. After completing her undergraduate and postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology at the University of Toronto, she then completed a MHSc in Public Health. Her research focus is on the care of the patient with diabetes in the context of a health care team, revolving around the role of integrative health informatics tools, patient and clinician education and behaviour change, shared decision-making and medical humanities in improving quality of care. She has been Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator on several CIHR-funded projects. In addition, she is the past co-Chair of the Clinical Practice Guidelines Dissemination and Implementation Committee of Diabetes Canada, where-in she has developed evidence-based and innovative strategies to put guidelines into practice across Canada.

Graham Macdonald

Graham Macdonald is a PhD candidate in UBC Medicine’s Rehabilitation Science program, co-supervised by Drs. Linda Li and Laura Nimmon. Graham is a qualitative researcher, trained in social science theory and methodology. Formerly, Graham was employed as a research assistant at Arthritis Research Canada, and a research coordinator at UBC’s department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. Graham’s interests include patient and public engagement in research and healthcare, medical anthropology and sociology, political economy of health, chronic illness, and disability.