Tools for Patients to Describe their Pain
Tools for Patients to Describe their Pain – A Scoping Review
Project Status:In progress
Knowledge User(s)
Patient and Public Partner
Patient/Public Partner(s)
Christy Faraher-Amidon
Project Trainee(s)
Codie Primeau, Maribeth Gelisanga
Funding Source(s)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) through the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Evidence Alliance
Project Objectives
To synthesize the evidence on resources (e.g., guides and tools) for people with chronic pain to communicate with health professionals about the nature of their pain.
Research Approach
Scoping Review
Project Lead(s)
Kristie Nicol
Kristie combines her science, GIS, and technical communication backgrounds to tell stories with visuals and to design accessible science content. Since 2006, Kristie has received many complex chronic health diagnoses, with chronic pain being a common thread. Her life with complex chronic health conditions guides her word choices and design decisions to support and empower users. Kristie’s experiences drive her involvement as an active patient partner, educator, and mentor. She uses her words to connect others to her pain, grief, and joy. Her curiosity and love of life and nature is her daily motivation to keep learning.
Kristie Nicol
Patient Partner
Kristie combines her science, GIS, and technical communication backgrounds to...
Linda Li
Dr. Linda Li is Professor and Harold Robinson/Arthritis Society Chair in Arthritic Diseases at the Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia and holds a Canada Research Chair in Patient-oriented Knowledge Translation. She is also a senior scientist at Arthritis Research Canada where she leads the Arthritis & Implementation Science Program ( Her research focuses on the integration of wearables and apps to support health professionals in promoting physical activity and chronic disease self-management. Her work in implementation science includes studying strategies for engaging people with lived experiences in the research process. Dr. Li is a recipient of the American College of Rheumatology – Association of Rheumatology Professionals (ARP) Distinguished Scholar Award (2015) and the ARP Distinguished Educator Award (2022), recognizing her leadership in both arthritis research and education. In 2019, she was inducted as Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.
Linda Li
University of British Columbia, Arthritis Research Canada, BC SUPPORT Unit
Dr. Linda Li is Professor and Harold Robinson/Arthritis Society Chair...
Project Outputs
In Progress