Tayaba Khan
Dr Tayaba is a dental surgeon and an MBA in Health and Hospital Management. She holds over 15 years of experience in dentistry, management, medical communications, ethical contexts in healthcare and stem cell research, liaising with researchers, managing university partnership, health IT, patient advocacy, and project management.
She is presently a member at the International Advisory Committee of Strategic Patient Oriented Research Evidence Alliance (SPORea); Merit Reviewer at the Patient-Centred Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), USA; Advisor at the Patient and Family Centred Care Network, Alberta Children’s Hospital, Canada; and Member of the Patient Advisors Network (PAN), Canada. As a freelancer, she is developing grants for EU 2020 SME and USA SBIR grant cycles. Further, she is a member and content reviewer for the Society of Simulation in Healthcare. She recently started as an instructor for a weekend Diploma in Health Management program at a local college.
Some of the companies and organizations where she has worked include Medical News, Dental News, Dental Tribune International, Medical Voice, Digital Care, eTrendz, Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at the Aga Khan University Pakistan, and Alien Technology Transfer, London.
She coordinated and executed the annual Aga Khan University International Ethics Thinking Group meetings in 2018 (London) and 2019 (Lisbon), actively contributing towards discussions on stem cell research and future human ethics perspectives.
Dr Khan is passionate about patient advocacy and creating solutions bridging information gaps between various stakeholders in healthcare industry, with patients at the heart.