Kelly English
Ms. Kelly English is a 62 year old who has difficult to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis. Ms. English also has permanent neurological damage from one of her meds on her right side. This has made activities difficult and increased pain. Despite this, Ms. English has made Rheumatoid Arthritis research her passion and goal. Participation in research, attendance at conferences, writing about her disease and being interviewed or speaking about it has helped her and others with arthritis. Working with researchers on teams as also increased her knowledge as opposed to simply being a participant in the research project. Ms. English has been a member of Arthritis Research Canada’s Arthritis Patient Advisory Board for 6 years – 3 of which were co-chair of the board. Ms. English also holds a part time job as a bookkeeper – dependent on how she is feeling at the time. Currently, Ms. English is on the Training and Capacity Development Committee of SPOR Alliance as patient co-chair. The experience has opened her eyes to a new area of research.