Preschool Health Screening Programs
Effectiveness of Preschool Health and Developmental Screening Programs
This rapid review of the evidence aims to identify specific health and developmental conditions that can benefit from preschool screening programs. In particular, this rapid review explored the effectiveness of population-based, universal preschool screening programs for vision, hearing, and/or developmental conditions. Additionally, harms of screening, variations in screening tools, guidelines and recommendations were also assessed.
There is a wide variation in preschool screening programs, practices and tools being used across Canada and globally. The health system decision-makers in Newfoundland and Labrador will use findings from this rapid review to inform the development of an evidence-informed provincial policy, and standardize preschool screening programs and practices across the province.
Commissioning Organization:
Newfoundland Health System
Project Type: Knowledge Synthesis
Project Status: Completed
Funding: Government of Newfoundland & Labrador |
Project Lead:
Stephen Bornstein MA, PhD Professor & Director, Newfoundland & Labrador Centre of Applied Health Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Project Team: Contextualized Health Research Synthesis Program, Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research, Memorial University
Rebecca Gokiert PhD, R. Psych Assistant Director, Early Childhood Measurement and Evaluation Associate Professor, Faculty of Extension University of Alberta |
Publications and Reports
Letto A, Bornstein S. (2018). Rapid Evidence Report: Preschool Screening: Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research, Memorial University. Full Report