Patient and Family Caregiver Engagement in Healthcare

Quality of Patient and Family Caregiver Engagement in Healthcare System Decision-Making

This scoping review aims to identify the key elements for defining the quality of patient and family caregiver engagement in decision-making across the levels of engagement in healthcare systems.

Findings from this scoping review will be used to develop a conceptual evaluation framework for the Patients as Partners Initiative implemented by the Ministry of Health in British Columbia.


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Commissioning Organization:

BC Ministry of Health


Project Type:

Knowledge Synthesis


Project Status:

In progress



BC Ministry of Health

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) under the Strategy for Patient Oriented-Research (SPOR) initiative

Project Lead:

Clayon B. Hamilton MSc, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia

Postdoctoral Trainee, Arthritis Research Canada

Linda C. Li PT, PhD

Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia

Senior Scientist, Arthritis Research Canada


Project Team:

A multidisciplinary team assembled by Dr. Clayon Hamilton for this project

Publications and Reports

Coming soon.

Project Status:complete

Project Lead(s)