Military Training-Related Injuries in Females

Risk factors for training-related injuries among females in the military

A scoping review to identify factors that increase risks of musculoskeletal injuries during training of female military personnel aged 18-55 years.

Findings from this scoping review will provide a framework for an increased understanding of the risk of musculoskeletal injuries to female military members. The Canadian Armed Forces will use the evidence resulting from this review to inform development of future mitigation strategies for positive changes in injury rates, while up-holding gender-free fitness standards. It is anticipated that the findings may also benefit other professionals and industries involving manual labour (e.g., factories, construction, first responders).

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Commissioning Organization:

Canadian Department of National Defence


Project Type:

Knowledge Synthesis


Project Status:




Canadian Department of National Defence

Project Lead:

Brian Hutton MSc, PhD

Senior Scientist, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Director, Knowledge Synthesis Unit, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Assistant Professor, School of Epidemiology, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, University of Ottawa


Project Team:

Knowledge Synthesis Group, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Publications and Reports

Barbeau P, Michaud A, Rice D, Cukier S, Hamel C, Butler C, Skidmore B, Garritty C, Hutton B. Musculoskeletal Injuries (MSKi) Among Females in the Military: A Scoping Review.  Ottawa (ON): Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; 2019 June. 151 p.  Report submitted to and supported by the Department of National Defence (DND), Government of Canada. Request Full Report


Project Lead(s)