De-Prescribing Medications in Care Settings

Clinical and economic effectiveness of de-prescribing medications in health care settings.

This contextualized knowledge synthesis project aims to identify approaches to de-prescribing medications that could be used to effectively improve health outcomes and cost-effectiveness in community, acute care, and long term care settings.

Findings from this review will provide the Newfoundland Health System with recent, and up-to-date information on the topic. The evidence will inform economic and clinical improvements in healthcare delivery in Newfoundland & Labrador.

Download Available Knowledge Products:

Under development.

Commissioning Organization:

Newfoundland Health System


Project Type:

Knowledge Synthesis


Project Status:




Government of Newfoundland & Labrador

Project Lead:

Stephen Bornstein MA, PhD

Professor & Director, Newfoundland & Labrador Centre of Applied Health Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland


Project Team:

Contextualized Health Research Synthesis Program, Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research, Memorial University

Publications and Reports

Coming soon.

Project Lead(s)