[ARCHIVED] Seed Grant

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Seed Grant Opportunity

At a Glance

The SPOR Evidence Alliance Seed Grant aims to encourage a culture of learning, innovation, and advancement of science in the areas of knowledge synthesis, guideline development, knowledge translation, and patient-oriented research by funding methods projects at the conceptual stage.

NOTE: Priority is given to proposals that aim to engage and improve health outcomes for Black, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations.


Applicants wishing to apply for the seed grant must be:

  • A registered member of the SPOR Evidence Alliance

Everyone is welcome to join and membership registration can be completed at the following link: https://sporevidencealliance.ca/get-involved/become-an-alliance-member/

  • A doctoral student, post-doctoral fellow or an early career researcher (i.e., full-time, independent researcher for a period of 0 to 5 years) [1] at a Canadian institution
  • If doctoral student or post-doctoral fellow, your academic supervisor/mentor must also be a member of the SPOR Evidence Alliance
  • Proposed project aligns with the annual grant theme (varies every year)

Value and Duration

  • Funding is available for two awards valued at $10,000 each for one year (non-renewable).

Current Opportunity

  • There are no seed grant opportunities available at this time.

Past Opportunities

Past Funded Projects

Competition Results



Applications Received



Applications Funded42


For all inquiries, please contact SPOR Evidence Alliance at SPOREA@smh.ca

[1] Canadian Institutes of Health Research. (2020). Glossary of Funding-Related Terms. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Available at https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/34190.html