1. Building Research Team and Expert Panel
One a clinical practice guideline is approved using the SPOR Evidence Alliance priority setting process, a research team is set up. The primary research team consists of methods experts and experienced research staff in knowledge synthesis, guideline development and knowledge translation. Knowledge users are consulted to appoint an Expert Panel consisting of 10-15 multidisciplinary members, including patients (if possible) and healthcare providers. Chairs of the Expert Panel are nominated based on their objectiveness, responsiveness, and ability to facilitate group decisions. None of the research teams or Expert Panels can have any potential/perceived conflicts of interest. Training on disclosure of conflicts of interest, group participation, and expectations is provided to panel members.
2. Topic Scoping
One a clinical practice guideline is approved using the SPOR Evidence Alliance priority setting process, a research team is set up. The primary research team consists of methods experts and experienced research staff in knowledge synthesis, guideline development and knowledge translation. Knowledge users are consulted to appoint an Expert Panel consisting of 10-15 multidisciplinary members, including patients (if possible) and healthcare providers. Chairs of the Expert Panel are nominated based on their objectiveness, responsiveness, and ability to facilitate group decisions. None of the research teams or Expert Panels can have any potential/perceived conflicts of interest. Training on disclosure of conflicts of interest, group participation, and expectations is provided to panel members.
3. Topic Refinement
One a clinical practice guideline is approved using the SPOR Evidence Alliance priority setting process, a research team is set up. The primary research team consists of methods experts and experienced research staff in knowledge synthesis, guideline development and knowledge translation. Knowledge users are consulted to appoint an Expert Panel consisting of 10-15 multidisciplinary members, including patients (if possible) and healthcare providers. Chairs of the Expert Panel are nominated based on their objectiveness, responsiveness, and ability to facilitate group decisions. None of the research teams or Expert Panels can have any potential/perceived conflicts of interest. Training on disclosure of conflicts of interest, group participation, and expectations is provided to panel members.
4. Protocol Development
The research team prepares a clinical practice guideline protocol with details on the research questions, objectives, and methods. The Expert Panel reviews the protocol, and the revised version is sent for review by the knowledge users, any relevant Canadian guideline developers, patients, and stakeholders. The protocol is then sent for external peer-review and is revised accordingly. The final protocol is registered with a registry database, submitted for peer-reviewed publication, and then the published (or per-published) version is posted in Our Projects tab.
5. Knowledge Synthesis
The research team prepares a clinical practice guideline protocol with details on the research questions, objectives, and methods. The Expert Panel reviews the protocol, and the revised version is sent for review by the knowledge users, any relevant Canadian guideline developers, patients, and stakeholders. The protocol is then sent for external peer-review and is revised accordingly. The final protocol is registered with a registry database, submitted for peer-reviewed publication, and then the published (or per-published) version is posted in Our Projects tab.
6. Guideline Development
The Expert Panel prepares a draft of the guideline recommendations using the GRADE guidance and votes on the recommendations during a face-to-face meeting. The research team prepares the guideline report based on the recommendations. The recommendations are sent for external peer-review and submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The final publication is posted in Our Projects tab.
7. Dissemination and implementation
The research team creates user-friendly resources to support dissemination and implementation of recommendations.